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For the Love of Travel

Hurry, don't miss out


Why Hop-On-Hop-Off

Connecting the best destinations across New Zealand.

Whatever you want to get out of your trip to New Zealand, the award-winning Kiwi Experience gives you what you need. We deliver you the freedom to embrace the unexpected moments that happen each and every day while you travel with us on the best bus travel network in New Zealand.



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Authentic Experiences

We're passionate about creating unforgettable trips that cater to all budgets and appetites. Our travel network connects you with the real New Zealand and secret spots that can't be googled.

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Pre-plan your trip or wing it as you go. Our ultimate national travel passes give you 12 months from the date of purchase to kick off your trip. Then, once aboard, you've another 12 months to complete your adventure, 'hopping-on and hopping-off' as much as your heart desires. 

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Our Buses

Rest easy knowing your bags are safely locked up at all times as you cruise across the country in our air-conditioned buses, which offer panoramic views, so you can take in the stunning New Zealand vistas.

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Great value

Time is your most precious resource, especially whilst you are on holiday. We have a number of guided bus tours to suit your budget and appetite for adventure; ensuring you get the most bang for your Kiwi buck.


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