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5 Reasons to Travel Solo

Posted on 13 May 2019

So you want to explore New Zealand but the problem is you’ve got no one to go with? No worries!

Our friend Efia, who travelled the South Island with us recently, is sharing five reasons not to let that stop you from booking that trip.


1. Freedom to choose

Don’t get me wrong I love travelling with my friends, but there’s something incredibly freeing about going it alone. Maybe it’s the ability to choose your own adventure and not have to compromise for anyone. Or it could be the things you discover about yourself along the way. Either way, one thing's for sure the best things in life come from following your instincts and letting your intuition guide you.

Pancake Rocks

2. Getting out of your comfort zone

When I first started solo travelling you can bet I was *absolutely* terrified. What if something happened? What if I didn’t meet anyone? Or worse… what if I didn’t pack enough snacks?!

But I’m going to let you in on a secret.

Are you ready?

The fear of not doing anything at all scared me even more. Not much more, but just enough to light a spark. A spark of an idea that spiralled into the most epic adventure. If you feel even the slightest pull or the tiniest appeal you just have to jump on it. I promise you can figure everything else out along the way.

...And you can always buy more snacks too.


3. New friendships and shared connections

Travelling solo doesn’t mean you’ll spend all your time alone (unless you want to). One of my biggest fears about travelling solo was that I wouldn’t meet anyone and I think it’s a big fear for many first-timers. If you already have a least one friend in your life the good news is you already know all the life skills necessary to make a couple more.

Strike up a conversation on the bus, you’d be surprised how a simple “Hey!” can lead to the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Within my first hour on the bus I’d bonded with my seat neighbour over the simple fact we were both from Scotland.

This was just the first of many moments that led to awesome friendships along the way.

New Mates


4. A learning experience

I have this theory that travelling solo is essentially like taking a degree in how to human. I’ve learned things from travelling alone that my five years of uni could never have taught me. Like how to be assertive in my decision making and how to fashion a hostel curtain out of a sarong. These street smarts have become absolutely invaluable and every trip I go on I’m excited to see what I will learn next.


5. Stories to write home about

The truth is if you wait for someone to have the money, the time or the resources to come with you, you might never actually go at all. Why not cut the waiting and take the first step? A trip with the Kiwi Experience means you’ll never be far from like-minded people who want to explore the world too.

And hey, don’t forget, you can always send your friends a postcard!

Kaiteriteri Beach


Efia is a British solo female traveller and blogger, who left Scotland for sunnier pastures in 2016. In her three years travelling she’s spent time exploring Europe, South East Asia, USA, Australia and now New Zealand!

Her blog Effy Talks Life is filled with inspirational posts for first-time travellers and avid adventurers alike. She hopes to empower young women to pursue their passions with her philosophy of ‘boundless courage’, whether that’s in travel, or everyday life.

You can read more about what Efia got up to on her Kiwi Experience trip around the South Island here.


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